Leadership that Makes a Difference
Read through this webpage to see how Jesse Salinas is Engaging Our Youth, Improving Our Government, and Serving Our Community.
Engaging Our Youth
Youth Empowerment Summit (YES!)
Youth Empowerment Summit (YES!) — is a nationally award-winning program (www.YoloSaysYes.com) that teaches high school students about the importance of voting and the significant impact local government has on our daily lives. The program brings together local elected officials from throughout the county to dialogue with youth about issues young people care about to empower and encourage youth to say YES! to leadership roles and civic engagement in their local communities.
Yolo County Youth Civic Initiative (YCYCI)
Yolo County Youth Civic Initiative (YCYCI) — is a partnership project (www.ycoe.org/ycyci) with the Yolo County Election Office, Yolo County Office of Education (YCOE), the History Project at UC Davis, and Baylor University to develop an inquiry-based 12th grade curriculum that will teach media literacy, the importance of local government, and the uniqueness of tribal sovereign governance.
Improving Our Government
Leadership Academy
The Yolo County Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections (ACE) office is spearheading a new statewide public/private Leadership Academy in partnership with the UC Davis Graduate School of Business, California Assessor Association, County Recorders’ Association of California, California Association of Clerks and Election Officials and State Board of Equalization to train the states future administrative leaders. The Academy will focus on collaborative leadership and the importance of building trust, how one builds a great team and effectively lead in a diverse work and public service setting.
Restrictive Covenant Removals
ACE is seen as a leader in the removal of restrictive covenant language from our state’s official records. Restrictive covenant language refers to wording that restricted certain individuals because of their race or ethnic background from living in certain communities. Although this language has been illegal and not enforceable for decades, it still exists in many official records. Thanks to the leadership of ACE, over the next four years this language will be redacted from the state’s official records.
Operational Innovations
- Election Operations – ACE has received a national award for outstanding election administration from the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission. This award recognized the effective operation of the office during elections and its excellent Geographic Information System (GIS) tool and reporting system.
- Agriculture Reporting – ACE has led the charge in improving operational efficiencies for the office and its constituents. Yolo County is one of three counties in the state to pilot a new agricultural reporting program that will streamline future reporting. The Assessor office is now beta testing the new reporting process with a select number of farmers to get their input to make sure we get first-hand feedback from those in the field.
- Informational Streamlining – Yolo County is the second county in the state to implement a Just Appraised product that streamlines the information being transferred from the Recorder to the Assessor office. This newly established electronic transmission process reduces the possibility for human error and streamlines our process for greater efficiency.
Serving Our Community
California Association of Clerks and Election Officials (CACEO) Executive Appointment
Jesse currently serves as President of CACEO. The organization provides training and collaborative opportunities for Elections Officials across the state and works closely with the Secretary of State on a number of election related issues.
Nueva Epoca
Jesse currently serves as Chair of the Board.
Nueva Epoca (www.nueva-epoca.org) is a Latino/Hispanic/Latinx leadership program that is building the leadership capacity of the next generation of leaders to influence business and civic policy decisions as our society enters a new era following the pandemic.
Dignity Health
Jesse serves as Board Chair of Woodland’s only hospital in the city. In addition to serving on the Executive Committee, he also serves as chair of the region Community Health and Outreach Committee, which oversees the distribution of grant funding throughout the greater Sacramento area.
Roadmap to the Future
Jesse has been a leader in the County’s Roadmap to the Future (www.ycoe.org/roadmap), which is an effort to assess the resources and services available to children, youth and families in the County. He led the drafting of an Opinion Editorial that was reviewed, edited and co-signed by more than 20 local elected officials, which served as the genesis of the Roadmap to the Future effort to help improve collaboration and establish a more wholistic and effective approach to serving the County’s children, youth and families.
Yolo County Youth Civic Initiative (YCYCI) — is a partnership project (www.ycoe.org/ycyci) with the Yolo County Election Office, Yolo County Office of Education (YCOE), the History Project at UC Davis, and Baylor University to develop an inquiry-based 12th grade curriculum that will teach media literacy, the importance of local government, and the uniqueness of tribal sovereign governance.

The Yolo County Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections (ACE) office is spearheading a new statewide public/private Leadership Academy in partnership with the UC Davis Graduate School of Business, California Assessor Association, County Recorders’ Association of California, California Association of Clerks and Election Officials and State Board of Equalization to train the states future administrative leaders. The Academy will focus on collaborative leadership and the importance of building trust, how one builds a great team and effectively lead in a diverse work and public service setting.
ACE is seen as a leader in the removal of restrictive covenant language from our state’s official records. Restrictive covenant language refers to wording that restricted certain individuals because of their race or ethnic background from living in certain communities. Although this language has been illegal and not enforceable for decades, it still exists in many official records. Thanks to the leadership of ACE, over the next four years this language will be redacted from the state’s official records.

- Election Operations – ACE has received a national award for outstanding election administration from the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission. This award recognized the effective operation of the office during elections and its excellent Geographic Information System (GIS) tool and reporting system.
- Agriculture Reporting – ACE has led the charge in improving operational efficiencies for the office and its constituents. Yolo County is one of three counties in the state to pilot a new agricultural reporting program that will streamline future reporting. The Assessor office is now beta testing the new reporting process with a select number of farmers to get their input to make sure we get first-hand feedback from those in the field.
- Informational Streamlining – Yolo County is the second county in the state to implement a Just Appraised product that streamlines the information being transferred from the Recorder to the Assessor office. This newly established electronic transmission process reduces the possibility for human error and streamlines our process for greater efficiency.
Jesse currently serves as President of CACEO. The organization provides training and collaborative opportunities for Elections Officials across the state and works closely with the Secretary of State on a number of election related issues.
Jesse currently serves as Chair of the Board.
Nueva Epoca (www.nueva-epoca.org) is a Latino/Hispanic/Latinx leadership program that is building the leadership capacity of the next generation of leaders to influence business and civic policy decisions as our society enters a new era following the pandemic.
Jesse serves as Board Chair of Woodland’s only hospital in the city. In addition to serving on the Executive Committee, he also serves as chair of the region Community Health and Outreach Committee, which oversees the distribution of grant funding throughout the greater Sacramento area.
Jesse has been a leader in the County’s Roadmap to the Future (www.ycoe.org/roadmap), which is an effort to assess the resources and services available to children, youth and families in the County. He led the drafting of an Opinion Editorial that was reviewed, edited and co-signed by more than 20 local elected officials, which served as the genesis of the Roadmap to the Future effort to help improve collaboration and establish a more wholistic and effective approach to serving the County’s children, youth and families.